Selected publications
WU, N. C., WELBERGEN, J. A., VILLADA-CADAVID, T., LUMSDEN, L., & TURBILL, C. (2024) Vulnerability of southern hemisphere bats to white-nose syndrome based on global analysis of fungal host specificity and cave temperatures. Conservation Biology, Online Ahead of Print. e14390.
TURBILL, C., WALKER, M., BOARDMAN, W., MARTIN, J., MCKEOWN, A., MEADE, J. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2024) Torpor use in the wild by one of the world's largest bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2024.1137
[link to proof copy]
DORRESTEIN, A., WESTCOTT, D., MARTIN, J.M., PHALEN, D., ROSE, K. & WELBERGEN, J.A., 2024. Bat mating systems—A review and recategorisation. Ecology and Evolution, 14(8):p.e70149.
VOIGT, C. C., BERNARD*, E., HUANG*, J. C. C., FRICK*, W. F., KERBIRIOU*, C., MACEWAN*, K., MATHEWS*, F., RODRÍGUEZ-DURÁN*, A., SCHOLZ*, C., WEBALA*, P. W., WELBERGEN*, J. A., WHITBY* M. (2024). Towards solving the global green-green dilemma between wind energy production and bat conservation. BioScience, doi: 10.1093/biosci/biae02
[*contributed equally, in alphabetical order]
MO, M., TIMMISS, L.A., PEARSON, T., KERR, M.T., STEVES, S. AND WELBERGEN, J.A., (2024). "Normalising” flying-foxes: a bold vision for improving the public perceptions of our largest and most conspicuous bats. Australian Zoologist, doi: 10.7882/AZ.2024.001
MO, M., MEADE, J., ROFF, A., TIMMISS, L.A., GIBSON, R. AND WELBERGEN, J.A. (2024). Impact assessment of the Australian 2019–20 megafires on roost sites of the vulnerable grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). Global Ecology and Conservation, doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e02822
HANRAHAN, N., TURBILL, C., DALZIELL, A. H., ARMSTRONG, K. N., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2023). Calling up ghosts: acoustic playback of social vocalisations reveals complex communication in a cryptic bat and provides a promising tool for monitoring disturbance-sensitive species. Mammal Research, 69:59-69
LLOYD-JONES, L. R., BRAVINGTON M. V., ARMSTRONG, K. N., LAWRENCE, E., FEUTRY, P., TODD, C. T., DORRESTEIN, A., WELBERGEN, J. A., MARTIN, J. M., ROSE, K., HALL, J., PHALEN, D. N., PETERS, I., BAYLIS, S. M., MACGREGOR, N. A. & WESTCOTT, D. A. (2023). Close-kin mark-recapture informs critically endangered terrestrial mammal status. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-38639-z
MADANI, G., TURBILL, C., & LAW B. (2023) The golden tip for better breeding: evidence for polyoestry in the golden-tipped bat (Phonics papuensis). Australian Mammalogy, 45: 369-374
BARRATT, A. E., GONSALVES, L. & TURBILL C. (2023) Winter torpor and activity patterns of a fishing bat (Myotis macropus) in a mild climate. Journal of Mammalogy 104: 76-85
LAW, B. S., MADANI, G., LLOYD, L., GONSALVES, L., HALL, A., SUJARAJ, A., BASSIL, T. & TURBILL, C. (2023) Australia's 2019-20 mega fires are associated with Lower occupancy of a rainforest-dependent bat. Animal Conservation 26: 103-114
YABSLEY, S. H., MEADE, J., HIBBURT, T., MARTIN, J. M., BOARDMAN, W. S. J., NICOLLE, D., WALKER, M., TURBILL, C & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2022). Variety is the spice of life: flying-foxes exploit a variety of native and exotic food plants in an urban landscape mosaic. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10:907966
MCCARTHY, E. D., MARTIN, J. M., BOER, M. M. & WELBERGEN (2022). Ground-based counting methods underestimate true numbers of a threatened colonial mammal: an evaluation using drone-based thermal surveys as a reference. Wildlife Research, doi: 10.1071/WR21120
HANRAHAN, N., TURBILL, C, DALZIELL, A. H., ARMSTRONG, K. N. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2022). Ethogram of ghost bat (Macroderma gigas) behaviours and associated social vocalisations. Acta Chiropterologica, 24:195-208
PULSCHER, L. A., PEEL, A. J., ROSE, K., WELBERGEN, J. A., BAKER, M. L., BOYD V., LOW-CHOY S., EDSON D., TODD, C., DORRESTEIN A., HALL, J., TODD S., BRODER C. C., YAN, L., XU, K., PECK, G. R. & PHALEN, D. N. (2022) Serological evidence of a pararubulavirus and a betacoronavirus in the geographically isolated Christmas Island flying-fox (Pteropus natalis). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, doi: 10.1111/tbed.14579
TODD, C. M., WESTCOTT, D.A., MARTIN, J. M., ROSE, K., MCKEOWN, A., HALL, J & WELBERGEN, J.A. (2022). Body-size dependent foraging strategies in the Christmas Island flying-fox: implications for seed and pollen dispersal within a threatened island ecosystem. Movement Ecology, 10:19
MO, M., MINEHAN, M., HACK, E., PLACE, V. & WELBERGEN J. A. (2022) A report of direct mortality in grey-headed flying-foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) from the 2019-20 Australian megafires. Australian Mammalogy, doi: 10.1071/AM21041
MO, M., MEADE, J., PRICE J. C., MAISEY, J. C. & WELBERGEN J. A. (2022). Synchronous abortion events in the grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). Pacific Conservation Biology, doi: 10.1071/PC21060
LAW, B. S., MADANI, G., GONSALVES, L., BASSIL, T., HALL, L., SUJARAJ, A., LLOYD, A. & TURBILL, C. (2022) The impact of fire severity from the 2019 to 2020 mega-fires on roosting ecology of a rainforest-dependent bat (Phonicus papuensis). Austral Ecology 47: 1438-1447.
MADANI, G., TURBILL, C., LLOYD, A., GONSALVES, L., BRASSIL, T. & LAW, B. (2022) How do we sleep when our beds are burning? Impacts of the 2019-20 mega-fires on a rainforest dependent bat - the golden-tipped bat Phonicus papuensis. Australian Zoologist 42: 223-242.
YABSLEY, S. H., MEADE, J., MARTIN, J. M., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2021). Human-modified landscapes provide key foraging areas for a threatened flying mammal: The grey-headed flying-fox. Plos One, 16: e0259395.
MEADE, J., MARTIN, J. M., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2021). Fast food in the city? Nomadic flying-foxes commute less and hang around for longer in urban areas. Behavioral Ecology, 32: 1151-1162
MO, M., ROACHE, M., DAVIES, J., HOPPER, J., PITTY, H., FOSTER, N., ... & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2021). Estimating flying-fox mortality associated with abandonments of pups and extreme heat events during the austral summer of 2019–20. Pacific Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1071/PC21003
PULSCHER, L. A., DIERENFELD, E. S., WELBERGEN, J. A., ROSE, K. A., & PHALEN, D. N. (2021). A comparison of nutritional value of native and alien food plants for a critically endangered island flying-fox. Plos One, 16: e0250857.
MCCARTHY, E. D., MARTIN, J. M., BOER, M. M. & WELBERGEN (2021). Drone-based thermal remote sensing provides an effective new tool for monitoring the abundance of roosting fruit bats. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 7: 461-474
COX-WITTON, K., BAKER, M. L., EDSON, D., PEEL, A. J., WELBERGEN, J. A. & FIELD, H. (2021) Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from humans to bats – An Australian assessment. One Health, 13: 100247
WELBERGEN, J. A. LAW, B. & COOPER, P. (2021) Bat research in Australasia – in memory of Les Hall (part 2). Australian Journal of Zoology, 68: 223-225
LAW, B., WELBERGEN, J. A. & COOPER, P. (2021) Bat research in Australasia – in memory of Les Hall (part 1). Australian Journal of Zoology, 67: 241-242
RATNAYAKE, H. U., WELBERGEN J.A., VAN DER REE, R & KEARNEY, M. R. (2021) Variation in fur properties may explain differences in heat-related mortality among Australian flying-foxes. Australian Journal of Zoology, 68:285-295
HANRAHAN, N., TURBILL, C., ARMSTRONG, K. N., DALZIELL, A. H., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2021) Ghost bats exhibit informative daily and seasonal temporal patterns in the production of social vocalisations. Australian Journal of Zoology, 67:305-315
TIMMISS, L. A., MARTIN, J. M., MURRAY, N. J., WELBERGEN, J. A., WESTCOTT, D., MCKEOWN, A., & KINGSFORD, R. T. (2021). Threatened but not conserved: flying-fox roosting and foraging habitat in Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology, 68:226–233
PULSCHER, L. A., GRAY, R., MCQUILTY, R., ROSE, K., WELBERGEN, J., & PHALEN, D. N. (2020). Evidence of chronic cadmium exposure identified in the critically endangered Christmas Island flying-fox (Pteropus natalis). Science of The Total Environment, 144374.
WELBERGEN, J. A., MEADE, J., FIELD, H., EDSON, D., McMICHAEL, L., SHOO, L. P., PRASZCZALEK, J., SMITH, C., MARTIN, J. (2020) Extreme mobility of the world's largest flying mammals creates key challenges for management and conservation. BMC Biology, 18: 101
TURBILL, C. & WELBERGEN, J. A. 2020. Anticipating white‐nose syndrome in the Southern Hemisphere: Widespread conditions favourable to Pseudogymnoascus destructans pose a serious risk to Australia's bat fauna. Austral Ecology, 45: 89-96
PULSCHER, L. A., GRAY, R., MCQUILTY, R., ROSE, K., WELBERGEN, J. & PHALEN, D. N. 2020. Investigation into the utility of flying foxes as bioindicators for environmental metal pollution reveals evidence of diminished lead but significant cadmium exposure. Chemosphere, 254: 126839.
TURBILL, C., KÖRTNER, G. & GEISER, F. (2020) Roost use and thermoregulation by female Australian long-eared bats (Nyctophilus geoffroyi and N. gold) during pregnancy and lactation. Australian Journal of Zoology 67: 339-345.
GEISER, F., BONARENCO, A., CURRIE, S., DOTY, A., KÖRTNER, G., LAW, B., PAVEY, C., RIEK, A.,STAWSKI, C., TURBILL, C., WILLIS, C. & BRIGHAM, M. (2020) Hibernation and daily torpor in Australian and New Zealand bats: doe the climate zone matter? Australian Journal of Zoology 67: 316-330
MEADE, J., VAN DER REE, R., STEPANIAN, P. M., WESTCOTT, D. A. & WELBERGEN, J. A., 2019. Using weather radar to monitor the number, timing and directions of flying-foxes emerging from their roosts. Scientific Reports, 9(1):10222.
LENTINI, P. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2019). Managing tensions around urban flying‐fox roosts. Austral Ecology, 44 (2): 380-385. DOI: 10.1111/aec.12738 (HOT TOPIC)
DORRESTEIN, A., TODD, C., WESTCOTT, D., MARTIN, J. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2019) Impacts of an invasive ant species on roosting behaviour of an island endemic flying-fox. Biotropica, 51(1): 75-83
RATNAYAKE, H. U., KEARNEY, M, R., GOVEKAR, P., KAROLY, D. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2019) Forecasting wildlife die-offs from extreme heat events. Animal Conservation, 22(4): 386-395. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12476
TODD, C. M., WESTCOTT, D. A., ROSE, K., MARTIN, J. M., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2018). Slow growth and delayed maturation in a Critically Endangered insular flying fox (Pteropus natalis). Journal of Mammalogy, 99(6), 1510-1521. DOI:
EDSON, D., FIELD, H., MCMICHAEL, L., MAYER, D., MARTIN, J., WELBERGEN, J., MCLAUGHLIN, A., HUTH, L., KRISTOFFERSEN, J., TSOUKALAS, G. AND KIRKLAND, P., 2018. Hematology, plasma biochemistry, and urinalysis of free-ranging grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) in Australia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(3): 591-598.
WELBERGEN, J. A. (2012) Impacts of extreme events on biodiversity – lessons from die-offs in flying-foxes. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the importance of Bats as Bioindicators. Granollers, Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84-87790-69-0
WELBERGEN, J.A. (2011) Fat males and fit females: sex differences in the seasonal patterns of body condition in grey-headed flying-foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus). Oecologia 165, 629-637
WELBERGEN, J.A. (2010) Growth, bimaturation and sexual size dimorphism in wild gray-headed flying-foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus). Journal of Mammalogy 91, 38-47
KLOSE, S., WELBERGEN, J.A., & KALKO, E. (2009) Testosterone is associated with harem maintenance ability in free-ranging grey-headed flying-foxes, Pteropus poliocephalus. Biology Letters 5, 758-761
KLOSE, S., WELBERGEN, J., GOLDIZEN, A., & KALKO, E., (2009) Spatiotemporal vigilance architecture of an Australian flying-fox colony. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63, 371-380
STAWSKI C., TURBILL C. and GEISER F. (2009) Hibernation by a free-ranging subtropical bat (Nyctophilus bifax). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 179: 433-441.
TURBILL, C. (2009) Temperature effects on metabolic rate and torpor in southern forest bats, Vespadelus regulus. Australian Journal of Zoology 57: 125-127.
WELBERGEN, J.A., KLOSE, S.M., MARKUS, N., & EBY, P. (2008) Climate change and the effects of temperature extremes on Australian flying-foxes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B275, 419-425
WELBERGEN, J.A. (2008) Variation in twilight predicts the duration of the evening emergence of fruit bats from a mixed-species roost. Animal Behaviour 75, 1543-1550
TURBILL C., KÖRTNER G. and GEISER F. (2008) Timing of the daily temperature cycle affects the critical arousal temperature and energy expenditure of lesser long-eared bats. The Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 3871-3878.
TURBILL C. (2008) Winter activity of Australian tree-roosting bats: influence of temperature and climatic patterns. Journal of Zoology 276: 285-290.
TURBILL C. and GEISER F. (2008) Hibernation by tree-roosting bats. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 178: 597-605.
WELBERGEN, J.A. (2006) Timing of the evening emergence from day roosts of the grey-headed flying-fox, Pteropus poliocephalus: the effects of predation risk, foraging needs, and social context. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60: 311-322
TURBILL (2006) Thermoregulatory behaviour of tree-roosting chocolate wattled bats (Chalinolobus morio) during summer and winter. Journal of Mammalogy 87: 318-323.
TURBILL C. and ELLIS M. (2006) Distribution and abundance of the south-eastern form of the greater long-eared bat, Nyctophilus timoriensis. Australian Mammalogy 28: 1-6.
TURBILL C. (2006) Roosting and thermoregulatory behaviour of male Gould's long-eared bats, Nyctophilus gouldi: energetic benefits of thermally unstable tree roosts. Australian Journal of Zoology 56: 57-60.
TURBILL C. and GEISER F. (2006) Thermal physiology of pregnant and lactating female and male long-eared bats, Nyctophilus geoffroyi and N. gouldi. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 176: 165-172.
WELBERGEN, J. A. (2005) The social organisation of the grey-headed flying-fox, Pteropus poliocephalus. Pp.265, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, UK. ***CLICK HERE FOR COPY***
WILLIS C.W.R., TURBILL C. and GEISER F. (2005) Torpor and thermal energetics in a tiny Australian Vespertilionid, the little forest bat (Vespadelus vulturnus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 175:479-486.
TURBILL C., KÖRTNER G. and GEISER F. (2003) Natural use of heterothermy by a small tree-roosting bat during summer. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76:868-876.
TURBILL C., LAW B. S. and GEISER F. (2003) Summer torpor in a free-ranging bat from sub-tropical Australia. Journal of Thermal Biology 28:223-226.
Book sections
WELBERGEN, J. A. (2023). Black Flying-fox, Pteropus alecto. In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 540–542. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
WELBERGEN, J. A. (2023). Grey-headed Flying-fox, Pteropus poliocephalus. In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 549–551. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
WELBERGEN, J. A., SAUNDERS, L. & HALL, L. S. (2023). Little Red Flying-fox, Pteropus scapulatus. In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 551–553. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
TODD, C. M. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2023). Christmas Island Flying-fox, Pteropus natalis. In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 547–549. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW, B., TURBILL C., LUMSDEN L. and FORD G. (2023) South-eastern Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus corbeni). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. XX. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LUMSDEN L. and TURBILL C. (2023) Lesser Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 547–549. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW B. S., TURBILL C. and FORD G. (2023) Gould's Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus gouldi). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. XX. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW B. S., TURBILL C. & PARNABY H. (2023) Eastern Forest Bat (Vespadelus pumilus). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. XX. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
YOUNG A., TURBILL C., LAW B. S. and TIDEMANN C. (2023) Chocolate Wattled Bat (Chalinolobus morio). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. XX. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LUNNEY, D., PARNABY, H., PENNAY, M., HAERING, R., LAW, B., EBY, P., SCHULZ, M. & TURBILL C (2011) The priorities action statement for threatened bats of New South Wales. In 'The Biology and Conservation of Australian Bats'.(Eds B. Law, P. Eby, D. Lunney and L. Lumsden) pp. 340-356. Royal Zoological Society of NSW Mosman).
TURBILL C., LUMSDEN L. and FORD G. (2008) South-eastern Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus timoriensis). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 527-528. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LUMSDEN L. and TURBILL C. (2008) Lesser Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 520-521. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW B. S., TURBILL C. and FORD G. (2008) Gould's Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus gouldi). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 522-23. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW B. S., TURBILL C. & PARNABY H. (2008) Eastern Forest Bat (Vespadelus pumilus). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 527-528. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
YOUNG A., TURBILL C., LAW B. S. and TIDEMANN C. (2008) Chocolate Wattled Bat (Chalinolobus morio). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 527-528. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
TURBILL, C., WALKER, M., BOARDMAN, W., MARTIN, J., MCKEOWN, A., MEADE, J. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2024) Torpor use in the wild by one of the world's largest bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2024.1137
[link to proof copy]
DORRESTEIN, A., WESTCOTT, D., MARTIN, J.M., PHALEN, D., ROSE, K. & WELBERGEN, J.A., 2024. Bat mating systems—A review and recategorisation. Ecology and Evolution, 14(8):p.e70149.
VOIGT, C. C., BERNARD*, E., HUANG*, J. C. C., FRICK*, W. F., KERBIRIOU*, C., MACEWAN*, K., MATHEWS*, F., RODRÍGUEZ-DURÁN*, A., SCHOLZ*, C., WEBALA*, P. W., WELBERGEN*, J. A., WHITBY* M. (2024). Towards solving the global green-green dilemma between wind energy production and bat conservation. BioScience, doi: 10.1093/biosci/biae02
[*contributed equally, in alphabetical order]
MO, M., TIMMISS, L.A., PEARSON, T., KERR, M.T., STEVES, S. AND WELBERGEN, J.A., (2024). "Normalising” flying-foxes: a bold vision for improving the public perceptions of our largest and most conspicuous bats. Australian Zoologist, doi: 10.7882/AZ.2024.001
MO, M., MEADE, J., ROFF, A., TIMMISS, L.A., GIBSON, R. AND WELBERGEN, J.A. (2024). Impact assessment of the Australian 2019–20 megafires on roost sites of the vulnerable grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). Global Ecology and Conservation, doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e02822
HANRAHAN, N., TURBILL, C., DALZIELL, A. H., ARMSTRONG, K. N., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2023). Calling up ghosts: acoustic playback of social vocalisations reveals complex communication in a cryptic bat and provides a promising tool for monitoring disturbance-sensitive species. Mammal Research, 69:59-69
LLOYD-JONES, L. R., BRAVINGTON M. V., ARMSTRONG, K. N., LAWRENCE, E., FEUTRY, P., TODD, C. T., DORRESTEIN, A., WELBERGEN, J. A., MARTIN, J. M., ROSE, K., HALL, J., PHALEN, D. N., PETERS, I., BAYLIS, S. M., MACGREGOR, N. A. & WESTCOTT, D. A. (2023). Close-kin mark-recapture informs critically endangered terrestrial mammal status. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-38639-z
MADANI, G., TURBILL, C., & LAW B. (2023) The golden tip for better breeding: evidence for polyoestry in the golden-tipped bat (Phonics papuensis). Australian Mammalogy, 45: 369-374
BARRATT, A. E., GONSALVES, L. & TURBILL C. (2023) Winter torpor and activity patterns of a fishing bat (Myotis macropus) in a mild climate. Journal of Mammalogy 104: 76-85
LAW, B. S., MADANI, G., LLOYD, L., GONSALVES, L., HALL, A., SUJARAJ, A., BASSIL, T. & TURBILL, C. (2023) Australia's 2019-20 mega fires are associated with Lower occupancy of a rainforest-dependent bat. Animal Conservation 26: 103-114
YABSLEY, S. H., MEADE, J., HIBBURT, T., MARTIN, J. M., BOARDMAN, W. S. J., NICOLLE, D., WALKER, M., TURBILL, C & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2022). Variety is the spice of life: flying-foxes exploit a variety of native and exotic food plants in an urban landscape mosaic. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10:907966
MCCARTHY, E. D., MARTIN, J. M., BOER, M. M. & WELBERGEN (2022). Ground-based counting methods underestimate true numbers of a threatened colonial mammal: an evaluation using drone-based thermal surveys as a reference. Wildlife Research, doi: 10.1071/WR21120
HANRAHAN, N., TURBILL, C, DALZIELL, A. H., ARMSTRONG, K. N. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2022). Ethogram of ghost bat (Macroderma gigas) behaviours and associated social vocalisations. Acta Chiropterologica, 24:195-208
PULSCHER, L. A., PEEL, A. J., ROSE, K., WELBERGEN, J. A., BAKER, M. L., BOYD V., LOW-CHOY S., EDSON D., TODD, C., DORRESTEIN A., HALL, J., TODD S., BRODER C. C., YAN, L., XU, K., PECK, G. R. & PHALEN, D. N. (2022) Serological evidence of a pararubulavirus and a betacoronavirus in the geographically isolated Christmas Island flying-fox (Pteropus natalis). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, doi: 10.1111/tbed.14579
TODD, C. M., WESTCOTT, D.A., MARTIN, J. M., ROSE, K., MCKEOWN, A., HALL, J & WELBERGEN, J.A. (2022). Body-size dependent foraging strategies in the Christmas Island flying-fox: implications for seed and pollen dispersal within a threatened island ecosystem. Movement Ecology, 10:19
MO, M., MINEHAN, M., HACK, E., PLACE, V. & WELBERGEN J. A. (2022) A report of direct mortality in grey-headed flying-foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) from the 2019-20 Australian megafires. Australian Mammalogy, doi: 10.1071/AM21041
MO, M., MEADE, J., PRICE J. C., MAISEY, J. C. & WELBERGEN J. A. (2022). Synchronous abortion events in the grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). Pacific Conservation Biology, doi: 10.1071/PC21060
LAW, B. S., MADANI, G., GONSALVES, L., BASSIL, T., HALL, L., SUJARAJ, A., LLOYD, A. & TURBILL, C. (2022) The impact of fire severity from the 2019 to 2020 mega-fires on roosting ecology of a rainforest-dependent bat (Phonicus papuensis). Austral Ecology 47: 1438-1447.
MADANI, G., TURBILL, C., LLOYD, A., GONSALVES, L., BRASSIL, T. & LAW, B. (2022) How do we sleep when our beds are burning? Impacts of the 2019-20 mega-fires on a rainforest dependent bat - the golden-tipped bat Phonicus papuensis. Australian Zoologist 42: 223-242.
YABSLEY, S. H., MEADE, J., MARTIN, J. M., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2021). Human-modified landscapes provide key foraging areas for a threatened flying mammal: The grey-headed flying-fox. Plos One, 16: e0259395.
MEADE, J., MARTIN, J. M., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2021). Fast food in the city? Nomadic flying-foxes commute less and hang around for longer in urban areas. Behavioral Ecology, 32: 1151-1162
MO, M., ROACHE, M., DAVIES, J., HOPPER, J., PITTY, H., FOSTER, N., ... & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2021). Estimating flying-fox mortality associated with abandonments of pups and extreme heat events during the austral summer of 2019–20. Pacific Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1071/PC21003
PULSCHER, L. A., DIERENFELD, E. S., WELBERGEN, J. A., ROSE, K. A., & PHALEN, D. N. (2021). A comparison of nutritional value of native and alien food plants for a critically endangered island flying-fox. Plos One, 16: e0250857.
MCCARTHY, E. D., MARTIN, J. M., BOER, M. M. & WELBERGEN (2021). Drone-based thermal remote sensing provides an effective new tool for monitoring the abundance of roosting fruit bats. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 7: 461-474
COX-WITTON, K., BAKER, M. L., EDSON, D., PEEL, A. J., WELBERGEN, J. A. & FIELD, H. (2021) Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from humans to bats – An Australian assessment. One Health, 13: 100247
WELBERGEN, J. A. LAW, B. & COOPER, P. (2021) Bat research in Australasia – in memory of Les Hall (part 2). Australian Journal of Zoology, 68: 223-225
LAW, B., WELBERGEN, J. A. & COOPER, P. (2021) Bat research in Australasia – in memory of Les Hall (part 1). Australian Journal of Zoology, 67: 241-242
RATNAYAKE, H. U., WELBERGEN J.A., VAN DER REE, R & KEARNEY, M. R. (2021) Variation in fur properties may explain differences in heat-related mortality among Australian flying-foxes. Australian Journal of Zoology, 68:285-295
HANRAHAN, N., TURBILL, C., ARMSTRONG, K. N., DALZIELL, A. H., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2021) Ghost bats exhibit informative daily and seasonal temporal patterns in the production of social vocalisations. Australian Journal of Zoology, 67:305-315
TIMMISS, L. A., MARTIN, J. M., MURRAY, N. J., WELBERGEN, J. A., WESTCOTT, D., MCKEOWN, A., & KINGSFORD, R. T. (2021). Threatened but not conserved: flying-fox roosting and foraging habitat in Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology, 68:226–233
PULSCHER, L. A., GRAY, R., MCQUILTY, R., ROSE, K., WELBERGEN, J., & PHALEN, D. N. (2020). Evidence of chronic cadmium exposure identified in the critically endangered Christmas Island flying-fox (Pteropus natalis). Science of The Total Environment, 144374.
WELBERGEN, J. A., MEADE, J., FIELD, H., EDSON, D., McMICHAEL, L., SHOO, L. P., PRASZCZALEK, J., SMITH, C., MARTIN, J. (2020) Extreme mobility of the world's largest flying mammals creates key challenges for management and conservation. BMC Biology, 18: 101
TURBILL, C. & WELBERGEN, J. A. 2020. Anticipating white‐nose syndrome in the Southern Hemisphere: Widespread conditions favourable to Pseudogymnoascus destructans pose a serious risk to Australia's bat fauna. Austral Ecology, 45: 89-96
PULSCHER, L. A., GRAY, R., MCQUILTY, R., ROSE, K., WELBERGEN, J. & PHALEN, D. N. 2020. Investigation into the utility of flying foxes as bioindicators for environmental metal pollution reveals evidence of diminished lead but significant cadmium exposure. Chemosphere, 254: 126839.
TURBILL, C., KÖRTNER, G. & GEISER, F. (2020) Roost use and thermoregulation by female Australian long-eared bats (Nyctophilus geoffroyi and N. gold) during pregnancy and lactation. Australian Journal of Zoology 67: 339-345.
GEISER, F., BONARENCO, A., CURRIE, S., DOTY, A., KÖRTNER, G., LAW, B., PAVEY, C., RIEK, A.,STAWSKI, C., TURBILL, C., WILLIS, C. & BRIGHAM, M. (2020) Hibernation and daily torpor in Australian and New Zealand bats: doe the climate zone matter? Australian Journal of Zoology 67: 316-330
MEADE, J., VAN DER REE, R., STEPANIAN, P. M., WESTCOTT, D. A. & WELBERGEN, J. A., 2019. Using weather radar to monitor the number, timing and directions of flying-foxes emerging from their roosts. Scientific Reports, 9(1):10222.
LENTINI, P. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2019). Managing tensions around urban flying‐fox roosts. Austral Ecology, 44 (2): 380-385. DOI: 10.1111/aec.12738 (HOT TOPIC)
DORRESTEIN, A., TODD, C., WESTCOTT, D., MARTIN, J. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2019) Impacts of an invasive ant species on roosting behaviour of an island endemic flying-fox. Biotropica, 51(1): 75-83
RATNAYAKE, H. U., KEARNEY, M, R., GOVEKAR, P., KAROLY, D. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2019) Forecasting wildlife die-offs from extreme heat events. Animal Conservation, 22(4): 386-395. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12476
TODD, C. M., WESTCOTT, D. A., ROSE, K., MARTIN, J. M., & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2018). Slow growth and delayed maturation in a Critically Endangered insular flying fox (Pteropus natalis). Journal of Mammalogy, 99(6), 1510-1521. DOI:
EDSON, D., FIELD, H., MCMICHAEL, L., MAYER, D., MARTIN, J., WELBERGEN, J., MCLAUGHLIN, A., HUTH, L., KRISTOFFERSEN, J., TSOUKALAS, G. AND KIRKLAND, P., 2018. Hematology, plasma biochemistry, and urinalysis of free-ranging grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) in Australia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(3): 591-598.
WELBERGEN, J. A. (2012) Impacts of extreme events on biodiversity – lessons from die-offs in flying-foxes. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the importance of Bats as Bioindicators. Granollers, Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84-87790-69-0
WELBERGEN, J.A. (2011) Fat males and fit females: sex differences in the seasonal patterns of body condition in grey-headed flying-foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus). Oecologia 165, 629-637
WELBERGEN, J.A. (2010) Growth, bimaturation and sexual size dimorphism in wild gray-headed flying-foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus). Journal of Mammalogy 91, 38-47
KLOSE, S., WELBERGEN, J.A., & KALKO, E. (2009) Testosterone is associated with harem maintenance ability in free-ranging grey-headed flying-foxes, Pteropus poliocephalus. Biology Letters 5, 758-761
KLOSE, S., WELBERGEN, J., GOLDIZEN, A., & KALKO, E., (2009) Spatiotemporal vigilance architecture of an Australian flying-fox colony. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63, 371-380
STAWSKI C., TURBILL C. and GEISER F. (2009) Hibernation by a free-ranging subtropical bat (Nyctophilus bifax). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 179: 433-441.
TURBILL, C. (2009) Temperature effects on metabolic rate and torpor in southern forest bats, Vespadelus regulus. Australian Journal of Zoology 57: 125-127.
WELBERGEN, J.A., KLOSE, S.M., MARKUS, N., & EBY, P. (2008) Climate change and the effects of temperature extremes on Australian flying-foxes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B275, 419-425
WELBERGEN, J.A. (2008) Variation in twilight predicts the duration of the evening emergence of fruit bats from a mixed-species roost. Animal Behaviour 75, 1543-1550
TURBILL C., KÖRTNER G. and GEISER F. (2008) Timing of the daily temperature cycle affects the critical arousal temperature and energy expenditure of lesser long-eared bats. The Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 3871-3878.
TURBILL C. (2008) Winter activity of Australian tree-roosting bats: influence of temperature and climatic patterns. Journal of Zoology 276: 285-290.
TURBILL C. and GEISER F. (2008) Hibernation by tree-roosting bats. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 178: 597-605.
WELBERGEN, J.A. (2006) Timing of the evening emergence from day roosts of the grey-headed flying-fox, Pteropus poliocephalus: the effects of predation risk, foraging needs, and social context. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60: 311-322
TURBILL (2006) Thermoregulatory behaviour of tree-roosting chocolate wattled bats (Chalinolobus morio) during summer and winter. Journal of Mammalogy 87: 318-323.
TURBILL C. and ELLIS M. (2006) Distribution and abundance of the south-eastern form of the greater long-eared bat, Nyctophilus timoriensis. Australian Mammalogy 28: 1-6.
TURBILL C. (2006) Roosting and thermoregulatory behaviour of male Gould's long-eared bats, Nyctophilus gouldi: energetic benefits of thermally unstable tree roosts. Australian Journal of Zoology 56: 57-60.
TURBILL C. and GEISER F. (2006) Thermal physiology of pregnant and lactating female and male long-eared bats, Nyctophilus geoffroyi and N. gouldi. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 176: 165-172.
WELBERGEN, J. A. (2005) The social organisation of the grey-headed flying-fox, Pteropus poliocephalus. Pp.265, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, UK. ***CLICK HERE FOR COPY***
WILLIS C.W.R., TURBILL C. and GEISER F. (2005) Torpor and thermal energetics in a tiny Australian Vespertilionid, the little forest bat (Vespadelus vulturnus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 175:479-486.
TURBILL C., KÖRTNER G. and GEISER F. (2003) Natural use of heterothermy by a small tree-roosting bat during summer. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76:868-876.
TURBILL C., LAW B. S. and GEISER F. (2003) Summer torpor in a free-ranging bat from sub-tropical Australia. Journal of Thermal Biology 28:223-226.
Book sections
WELBERGEN, J. A. (2023). Black Flying-fox, Pteropus alecto. In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 540–542. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
WELBERGEN, J. A. (2023). Grey-headed Flying-fox, Pteropus poliocephalus. In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 549–551. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
WELBERGEN, J. A., SAUNDERS, L. & HALL, L. S. (2023). Little Red Flying-fox, Pteropus scapulatus. In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 551–553. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
TODD, C. M. & WELBERGEN, J. A. (2023). Christmas Island Flying-fox, Pteropus natalis. In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 547–549. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW, B., TURBILL C., LUMSDEN L. and FORD G. (2023) South-eastern Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus corbeni). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. XX. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LUMSDEN L. and TURBILL C. (2023) Lesser Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. 547–549. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW B. S., TURBILL C. and FORD G. (2023) Gould's Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus gouldi). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. XX. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW B. S., TURBILL C. & PARNABY H. (2023) Eastern Forest Bat (Vespadelus pumilus). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. XX. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
YOUNG A., TURBILL C., LAW B. S. and TIDEMANN C. (2023) Chocolate Wattled Bat (Chalinolobus morio). In ‘Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th edition)’. (Eds A. M. Baker, and I. C. Gynter) pp. XX. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LUNNEY, D., PARNABY, H., PENNAY, M., HAERING, R., LAW, B., EBY, P., SCHULZ, M. & TURBILL C (2011) The priorities action statement for threatened bats of New South Wales. In 'The Biology and Conservation of Australian Bats'.(Eds B. Law, P. Eby, D. Lunney and L. Lumsden) pp. 340-356. Royal Zoological Society of NSW Mosman).
TURBILL C., LUMSDEN L. and FORD G. (2008) South-eastern Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus timoriensis). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 527-528. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LUMSDEN L. and TURBILL C. (2008) Lesser Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 520-521. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW B. S., TURBILL C. and FORD G. (2008) Gould's Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus gouldi). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 522-23. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
LAW B. S., TURBILL C. & PARNABY H. (2008) Eastern Forest Bat (Vespadelus pumilus). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 527-528. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750
YOUNG A., TURBILL C., LAW B. S. and TIDEMANN C. (2008) Chocolate Wattled Bat (Chalinolobus morio). In 'Mammals of Australia (3rd Edition)'. (Eds. S. van Dyck and R. Strahan) pp. 527-528. (Reed New Holland Publishers: Sydney). ISBN: 9781925546750